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7 Interesting Ways Non-Profit Companies Can Use Text Messaging Communications

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Working within a non-profit business is hard work and, in its own right, far more complicated than working within a traditional company. Most of the time, you’re working around your passion for a particular cause rather than being passionate about a business’s specific aspects.

One such aspect is getting in touch and communicating with the supporters of your course, and while we live in an age of social media and online communication, that doesn’t mean you should forget about more traditional methods of talking, i.e., texting.

Did you know that the average American checks their smartphone 85 times per day, and that 90% of Americans will check a text message within three minutes of it being delivered? Think of that what you will, but it shows that texting is still such a powerful form of communication, if you can use it to its full potential.

With this in mind, today, I’m going to talk you through seven interesting and powerful ways to use text messaging communications in your non-profit business and to boost your chances of being successful.

SMS marketing for non profit organizations

1. Connect with the People Who Need It

No matter what kind of non-profit services you’re offering, a great way of letting people know what you can offer and what you can do to do help people is via text messaging. Let’s say you’re helping people suffering from mental health problems.

Via text message, you can help send emergency tips for when they need them and help them understand what phone numbers they can call and what actions they can take when they need help the most, all by texting your phone line a keyword that provides them with access to this information.

2. Fundraising Texts

You may have already seen these texts, but it’s basically where people can reply to a text message you send with a donation amount that they want to give you, and then you’re charging their phone company, which will then charge the supporter via their phone bill.

You can also include a link in the text message that can lead to a donation depending on the kind of text messaging service you’re working with. This is a great way to get in fast contributions.

3. Advertising Events

Many non-profit organizations will hold events of some kind, and what better way to get people to know about them than sending people a text message that details the basics of what’s happening. Then, by replying with a SMS keyword, people can find out more information on how to attend if they’re interested.

4. Get to Know Your Supporters

Simple SMS surveys are becoming more and more popular around the world and in lots of different sectors and industries, but non-profit organizations can utilize this technology and accompanying opportunities as well.

By asking the right questions, you can figure out who your supporters are, what they’re interested in, and what kind of people they are. This is all vital Information because it will dictate what your promotional strategies will be in the future and how you’re going to present yourself and your content.

5. Using Text Messaging Internally

While text messaging does seem to be falling by the wayside for more modern versions of communication, such as social media messaging and other instant communication apps, why not use what text messaging has to offer for communicating within your teams?

Whether you’re organizing your volunteers, promotional teams, supporters, or even managerial staff, text message services can be a great way of keeping everybody in touch.

6. Provide Information

Text messaging services are a simple and great way to share important information with many people in no time at all. For example, when the recent COVID-19 pandemic kicked off in January 2020, text messaging services were used to provide information on what to do and what action to take for people to protect themselves.

“Of course, you’re not going to want to bombard people with information all the time, but if there’s something important you need to say, then sending them a text message is a great way to do it,” explains Sarah Harrow, a business writer at Study Demic.

7. Organising an Event

The final way you can utilize text messaging services is by sending out data and information to people who want it while you’re organizing an event, such as a protest or rally. All people need to do is send a keyword to your text message service to receive automatic Information on where protests are happening in their area and what they need to know to participate.


As you can see, there are plenty of creative ways any non-profit company can use text messaging services, and it’s all about thinking outside the box and getting creative. If you can catch your supporter’s eye with unique texts, then they’re far more likely to interact with and support your cause.

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Kalin Kassabov

Kalin Kassabov

Kalin Kassabov is the ProTexting co-Founder and CEO. Kalin shares insights, tips, and case studies to help businesses and marketers effectively leverage SMS and MMS to reach and engage their target audience and drive results. ProTexting offers professional SMS and MMS Marketing Services for over 16 years.