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Writing the Perfect SMS Marketing Copy: 8 Steps

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Did you know that on average people check their phones 96 times a day? This strong bond between people and cell phones has inspired some effective marketing techniques. One of them is SMS marketing.

With promotional emails cluttering the inbox and paid ads popping out of every corner, SMS marketing presents a refreshing change for consumers. That’s why 77% of consumers positively perceive companies that use text messaging.

Writing the Perfect SMS Marketing Copy
Man working on his laptop and creating SMS marketing campaign via ProTexting 🙂

A rising trajectory of the use of SMS marketing leads to higher expectations in terms of SMS copy. Since your text message won’t be the only brand message, you need to find a way to stand out. This is where the demand for the perfect copy comes into the picture.

If you want to increase sales and establish a better relationship with consumers, writing great SMS copy is a given. Here are 8 steps that will help you write compelling text messages for your consumers.

1. Keep It Short

The form of a text message is designed for concise interactions. Consequently, the message is limited to 160 characters. The limitation should serve as a reminder that you should always keep the message as short as possible.

The concise nature of an SMS is ideal for today’s society. With a shortened attention span of the audience, a brief message brings the ideal amount of information.

2. Cut to the Chase

With a limited amount of characters, you can’t allow yourself to lose precious space on empty talk. The message should be direct and precise.

To simplify the copy and make it straightforward you should outline the key point you want to state. Try to stick to one point per message.

There is no need for elaborate introductions or small talk. Don’t explain yourself or justify the purpose of your outreach. State what you have to say and cut the copy there.

Let this sentence be your guide “What’s in it for me?” That’s what the consumers want to know. And that’s the only answer you should aim to deliver in the message.

A consumer that gave you his/her phone number expects specific and direct information. Don’t disappoint them.

3. Use Capital Letters for Emphasizing

How to emphasize a key point without the styling options? Two words – capital letters.

Capital letters as wrongly condemned as a must-avoid formatting option. However, in some instances (such as SMS text marketing), you can get good use out of them.

If you want to highlight a certain element of the message, write that word in capitals. It can be something like FREE DELIVERY or accentuating that you have a SALE this weekend.

Bear in mind that you must use capitals moderately and cautiously. Accentuate one word or two the most. Writing the whole message in capitals will make it look like you are yelling.

4. Grab Consumer’s Attention with Urgency

Considering that procrastination is a common characteristic, you need to find a way to urge people to act. Light that fire within them by evoking their FOMO (fear of missing out).

Giving people time to think through their next move will push your message into the abyss of oblivion. Prevent this from happening by evoking urgency.

There are many ways in which you can provoke urgency such as:

  • Using words and phrases like “now,” “only,” “one shot,” “last chance,” “don’t miss out,” etc.
  • Reminding consumers when the sale is about to end
  • Informing consumers that popular items are almost gone

The urgency also works in favor of justifying the message. Nowadays, text messages are mostly used for high-priority info. Therefore, consumers will be more interested in receiving texts about deals that demand immediate reaction.

5. Use Concise Sentences

When you’re using social media or a messaging app like WhatsApp Business with Multiple Users for marketing, you can boost engagement with visuals. A little pop of color in the form of emoticons or GIFs lets you pass with engagement downers such as long sentences.

Text messages don’t have visuals to keep consumers interested. You need to cleverly compose a copy to ensure that consumers won’t exit the message after the first sentences.

Writing in short sentences will make the copy more engaging and digestible. Complex sentences can turn the message into a snooze fest. Make sure that you don’t make this mistake. Stick to succinct sentences.

6. Avoid Slang and Abbreviations

There’s nothing strange about using LOL, BRB, l8r, RCVD and similar abbreviations in text messages. Unless you are a credible company. In that case, you need to forget about slang and text language abbreviations.

You can write in a friendly and approachable style without overly casual language. Remember, that your texts represent the brand. And you don’t want to be portrayed as unprofessional. 

Abbreviations can be a tempting way of shortening the message. However, if you need help with sticking to the character limit better hire a writing company than to lessen your brand image. Getting a professional write to create your copy is the best option. This way, it will be guaranteed that the message will be passed to your audience in the best possible way.

Business people in a meeting discussing Text Messaging Marketing Campaigns Strategies.

7. Add a Touch of Personalization

Are you aware of the power that personalization has? According to research, 74% of marketers claim that personalization and targeted messages increase customer engagement.

Level up your SMS copy by personalizing the message. Make them more special and unique with a few additions.

Something simple as referring to customers by their names or making location-relevant offers can go a long way. For example:

Hi {{name}}, we currently have an amazing 30% off discount on Friday the 6th. Head to {{the store location in their city}} or visit our website to check it out.

Show your consumers that they matter. Personalize the texts and the consumers won’t look at you as “that brand” but as “my favorite brand.” 

8. End Off with a CTA

Encourage consumers to take action with a CTA (call to action). Provoke that immediate response by ending the message with a clear direction.

You can provide the opportunity for immediate reaction with promotional codes, such as:

Text/ Respond “YES” to receive a 10% discount

Another option is to use phrases that motivate action like:

  • Don’t miss this great deal!
  • Act now!
  • Get it today!
  • Sign up now
  • Go to our website to sign up
  • Visit our store today for the best offers.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to marketing, keeping up with trends that are in demand is necessary. SMS marketing is currently one of the preferred channels of communication. The number of customers who get on board with branded text messages is consistently on the rise.

Don’t waste this opportunity to connect with your customers on a new level. Embrace SMS marketing.

With the guidance of the above-mentioned steps, nothing can stand in your way. You can write an impressionable and appealing message copy that customers will enjoy receiving. 

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Kalin Kassabov

Kalin Kassabov

Kalin Kassabov is the ProTexting co-Founder and CEO. Kalin shares insights, tips, and case studies to help businesses and marketers effectively leverage SMS and MMS to reach and engage their target audience and drive results. ProTexting offers professional SMS and MMS Marketing Services for over 16 years.