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Text messaging and the art of couponing

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โ€œAccording to the latest Mobile Audience Insights Report from JiWire,โ€™ 80 percent of mobile users prefer locally relevant advertising and 75 percent are more likely to take an action after seeing a location-specific message,โ€™ such as a coupon. โ€˜The survey also found that 21 percent of consumers search for a coupon on their mobile device while in a store.โ€™โ€

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Kalin Kassabov

Kalin Kassabov

Kalin Kassabov is the ProTexting co-Founder and CEO. Kalin shares insights, tips, and case studies to help businesses and marketers effectively leverage SMS and MMS to reach and engage their target audience and drive results. ProTexting offers professional SMS and MMS Marketing Services for over 16 years.