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Mobile Marketing as a Service tool for the Healthcare Industry

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In the next three blogs I will be talking about how Mobile Marketing can be utilized as a Service tool: for appointment reminders, internal emergency situations, car services, etc.

Each of those blogs will cover a specific industry.

The first one that will be covered is Mobile Marketing for the Healthcare industry: (doctors/dentist offices, School medical centers, etc.)

The other industries that will be introduced will be:

  1. The Auto industry (inspection, expiration reminders, Oil Change Reminders, etc)
  2. Education (application reminders, class schedules/reschedules, etc)

So let’s expose some options in Healthcare industry

In the Healthcare industry, Mobile Marketing can be used for reminders for appointments. Once patients have opted into their database, doctors and dentist offices, as well as School medical centers, hospitals, etc, can send them a reminder for an upcoming appointment. That way the patient is not stressed out about their appointment. From personal experience, my dentist actually sends me reminders about upcoming appointments. It helps me stay on track.

Patients friendly feature

When doctorsโ€™ offices, and dentistsโ€™ offices, as well as other healthcare offices need to schedule an appointment with the patients, the receptionist can schedule the next appointment for the patient right away and, in this way, the patient doesnโ€™t have to worry about it. Then, a reminder may go out to the patient automatically two (2) days before the appointment. If the patient canโ€™t make it, they can immediately call the healthcare office and reschedule the appointment. This also works for appointments in other industries. Patients also have the option of texting back to reschedule the appointment.

Mobile reminders are so easy to set up by the healthcare office staff. It does not cost too much money, and it is an effective way to reach the majority of the population, as 98% of people own cell phones (even in Latin America according to World Bank) and can send and receive text messages.

It is very easy to sign up or opt in for doctorsโ€™, dentistsโ€™ or other healthcare contact lists.

For example:

Text the keyword Therapy to 63566 to receive and review info on how to contact them, their office locations, etc. This makes it easy for the patient to find the best and closest location that is convenient for them.

Here is another example for how mobile marketing may be used in the healthcare industry, specifically in the hospital or doctorโ€™s office.

The nurse or receptionist can set up automatic reminder to be sent to specific patients (and/or their family members) that just got out of surgery to remind to take their prescriptions, refill etc.

Important feedback

Also, Mobile Marketing in the Healthcare industry can be used for Mobile Surveys. After the patient has seen the doctor or dentist, a mobile survey may be sent out to see how the service was in this particular office with a particular doctor. My dentist also sends me Mobile Surveys, so I can rate his service.

Time saving

Another way Mobile Marketing may be used is to inform patients of potential early closing of a Healthcare office. For example, if a patient is used to the doctorโ€™s schedule from 9am to 6pm, but the doctor decides to leave at 4pm because of a family emergency, the doctor can let patients know by sending out a group text message.

Those are just some examples how the Healthcare industry can use Mobile Marketing.

If you can think of other examples, please feel free to share.

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Kalin Kassabov

Kalin Kassabov

Kalin Kassabov is the ProTexting co-Founder and CEO. Kalin shares insights, tips, and case studies to help businesses and marketers effectively leverage SMS and MMS to reach and engage their target audience and drive results. ProTexting offers professional SMS and MMS Marketing Services for over 16 years.