1. Healthcare industry and Mobile Marketing
2. Auto Industry and mobile marketing
3. Education and mobile marketing
So what is the benefit of group text messaging within the education industry? Well, the answer is quite simple. Nowadays, students use their mobile phones more than they use their computers, and they carry them all the time. The same is actually true for everyone of us. So, it would be much easier and simpler to reach students, parents and faculty through the use of group text messaging, rather than going the traditional route of emails that might be ignored or read late.
Here are few examples on uses of Text Messaging for Education:
1. Text to learn when registration opens and where to go to register
2. Text to view the daily homework assignments
3. Text TESTSย to 63566 to see when the next test is coming up
Since 96% of all text messages are read within minutes of receipt, and 98% of the US population owns a mobile phone, text message proves to be the most effective way to communicate with students and faculty. Other uses of Group Texting:
1. Appointment reminders
2. Emergency alerts
3. Weather related cancelations and news
4. Invitations to school events and RSVPs
5. Faculty meeting communication
Parents and students can text back the teacher, school or administrator, and this way stay engaged with constant interaction when needed. For example, when a teacher or administrator sends out a group text message with a reminder about the upcoming event, he or she may ask students and parents to respond back so they can RSVP, with a short answer of YES, NO, or MAYBE.
Text DANCE2013 to 63566 to RSVP for the school dance and to get reminders about upcoming events. In conclusion Group text messaging may be the right way for you to engage students, parents, and faculty. Try it out for yourself.
As always, thanks for reading and please stay tuned for next weekโs blog. Please feel free to share your stories in regard to group text messaging for education. Thanks.
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